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B2B Email: Key Figures to Keep in Mind

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B2B Email Marketing Key Figures
B2B Email Marketing Key Figures
B2B Email Marketing Key Figures
B2B Email Marketing Key Figures
B2B Email Marketing Key Figures


Email: the Tool that lies at the Heart of Professional E-Commerce

Today, in 2017, 100 billion commercial emails are sent out every day across the world. In France, working professionals received 46 emails per day on average in 2015, 11 of which were marketing emails. 96% of French web users check their email at least once a day.

B2B Email Marketing, the ROI Champion amongst Marketing Channels

On average, every dollar spent on email marketing generates 38 dollars in revenue. B2B email marketing is, therefore, more effective than other channels, such as affiliate marketing, paid search, display and offline marketing. Furthermore, the average ROI generated by this channel increased by 53% between 2013 and 2015, though barely 29% of marketers take the time to analyse the ROI produced by their B2B email marketing campaigns.

The Open Rate for B2B Email Marketing is on the Rise

in 2016, 43.5% of all B2B marketing emails were opened. Additionally, an increase of 1.17% in the open rate for B2B marketing emails was observed in 2015 and 2016, with the click rate also increasing to 0.70% over the same period. Click rates are higher when email subjects contain between 45 and 60 characters.

Profile type of French Professional Web Users

The mobile phone is playing an increasingly important role where accessing and reading emails is concerned. In 2016, 33% of professionals used mobile to access their email service. This average varies by business sector. For example, in the hospitality industry, the construction industry and the public works sector, more than one-third of professionals use their mobiles to read their emails.

Marketing Emails Primarily Opened in the Morning

Fifty per cent of B2B marketing emails are sent out between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, with Tuesday tending to be the most popular day for these types of messages. Additionally, March and June are the most significant months in terms of the volume of B2B marketing emails sent out.

Professional Web Users in Search of Information

The need for information is the primary reason mentioned for opening a B2B marketing email (51% of professionals). Next comes the desire to find out about a new product, a new development etc. (32% of professionals) followed by the need to keep up to speed with the latest developments in one’s profession (one in four professionals), and finally the presence of promotional offers (11% of professionals).


B2B Email Key Figures - Kwanko

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