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Boost your year-end with Kwanko Marketplace

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Dear users,

We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new feature on your Kwanko platform: the Marketplace.

On Publisher side:

From now on, you have the possibility to create on your publishers’ interface your offers and to promote them to all the advertisers of Kwanko, even those with whom you don’t work yet.

It is therefore a great opportunity for you to make yourself known to new advertisers and to find new business opportunities.

In addition, the Marketplace allows you to reach a large number of advertisers at once, saving you the trouble of contacting them individually. Here you will be able to create, list and track your offers in a single tool. This saves you a lot of time, especially during highlight periods.

In order to make your offers as attractive as possible and attract the attention of advertisers, we recommend that you be as specific as possible and that you detail the conditions. That’s why we’ve thought of everything to make your life easier!

With the Marketplace, you can specify the nature of your offer, the period concerned and the monetary conditions in a few clicks.

You can also manage your private offers on the Marketplace, i.e. specific offers for one or more advertisers in particular.

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You can create as many offers as you want. There is no limit. If you want to create several offers, we just ask you to make sure that they are up to date, especially if they are offers with a long validity period (several months).

Your offers will then go online on the advertisers’ side and the account managers in charge of the programs concerned will be notified immediately to set up the deals quickly.

On Advertiser side:

The Marketplace tool allows you to consult offers proposed by publishers to promote your campaign on their websites in exchange of an additional fee.

The advantage of this tool is that you will be able to find the offers of our publishers in a single place. You can consult the offers from publishers that you already know but also from publishers with whom you have not yet had the opportunity to work.
This a great opportunity to generate more results on your campaign and boost your highlight periods.

To consult the offers, simply go to the “Marketplace” tab. This gives you access to all the offers that are available for your market.

You can see here public offers, which are available to all, and/or just to you. If you are looking for a particular offer or a selection of offers, you can use the filters on the left to refine your search.

Click on the “Offer” button on each offer to see the details of the deal.

Publishers present their offers in detail, propose different items that will be included, the necessary elements to set up the deal, the price, etc. Some publishers even include the complete Media Kit. We also provide you with some affiliate KPIs to guide you in your choice.

If you are interested in an offer, you just have to choose the campaign (if you have more than one) for which you want to set up a deal and click on the ‘Send a request’ button. An email will be sent to your usual Kwanko contact who will take care of your request and do the necessary to set up the deal and will tell you how to proceed (next steps, billing, and operational setup).

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