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Boost your shop traffic with drive-to-store !

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In a world where consumer buying behaviour has been profoundly transformed by digital technology, physical shops are facing major challenges due to online competition. However, an essential approach to meeting these challenges is to integrate digital into a local marketing strategy.

It is in this context that the drive-to-store concept is emerging as a powerful strategy, optimising the synergy between online presence and physical outlets. This approach aims to attract customers to shops by making full use of the digital resources available.

In this article, we take a detailed look at the various drive-to-store strategies and techniques, with a particular focus on affiliation as an effective lever for maximising the success of your local business. 

As an expert in this field, Kwanko offers their services to help you implement your drive-to-store strategy to increase the number of visitors at your points of sale.

1. Offline cashback

Offline cashback is a practice whereby consumers receive a refund or discount on purchases made in a physical shop, rather than online. 

 It is based on three key technologies:

– Card Link Offer (CLO): The Card Link Offer method links a consumer’s credit or debit card directly to the cashback program offered by their bank. By linking their card to this program, consumers can automatically receive cashback or discounts on their in-store purchases.

– Account Link Offer (ALO): Another interesting approach to offline cashback is the Account Link Offer. Unlike the Card Link Offer, which uses credit or debit cards, ALO is based on the link between the bank account and the cashback platform. By linking their account to a specific program, consumers can benefit from cashback when they make purchases in a shop.

– Flash-ticketing: Flash-ticketing is another innovation in offline cashback. This method uses QR codes or barcodes to record in-store purchases and award cashback. Consumers can scan these codes at the checkout or after a purchase, using a dedicated mobile application. Once the code is scanned, the details of the purchase are recorded and the corresponding cashback amount is credited to the consumer’s account.

2. SMS

The SMS channel is proving to be a highly effective tool, particularly given that over 55 million people in France are equipped with mobile phones capable of receiving these messages. Compared with e-mails, SMS messages are read more quickly, taking less than 3 minutes, which makes them an ideal means of communication for reaching your target audience quickly. 

What’s more, short SMS messages have a high recall rate, reaching 60%. According to INSEE, this figure is even higher than for television and radio. This means that consumers are more likely to remember information transmitted via SMS, which reinforces the effectiveness of this channel for marketing communications.

To measure and evaluate the performance of your SMS campaigns, various key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used. The main KPIs include the open rate, which gives you an indication of the number of recipients who have actually opened your message. Among marketing channels, SMS has one of the highest open rates, reaching 95%. There’s also the click rate, which measures recipient engagement in terms of reactions to your message, and the cost per visit, which is optional but allows you to quantify the cost associated with each visit generated by your SMS campaign.

3. Display

To raise your profile and support your one-off sales campaigns, it’s a good idea to capitalise on local media with a large audience. Display advertising offers an effective solution for achieving this objective. It allows you to display targeted ads in specific geographical areas, enabling you to reach smartphone users in the catchment area of your shops. By exploiting the reach of these local media, you have the opportunity to reach your audience in the right place at the right time.

One possible strategy with display advertising is to take a powerful approach by specifically targeting yourcompetitors’ users. By identifying the geographical areas where your competitors are present, you can deploy hard-hitting ads to attract the attention of their potential customers. This tactical approach allows you to capitalise on audiences who are already interested in similar products or services, giving you an opportunity to convert and gain market share.

The key KPI associated with display advertising is cost per visit (CPV). This parameter enables you to measure the cost associated with each visit generated by your display advertising campaigns. By analysing CPV, you can assess the effectiveness and profitability of your advertising investments. This measurement gives you visibility of the real cost of each visit to your physical shops, which is essential for making informed decisions about your display campaigns.

4. Influence marketing

Influencer marketing is a particularly powerful lever for strengthening your brand and attracting qualified traffic. At Kwanko, we offer you the opportunity to work with carefully selected local influencers. These influencers have the ability to gather a close community of people who share the same interests as your brand. By working with them, you can highlight the discovery of your shops, promote specific product ranges in-store and even organise private events to which you can invite the influencers’ loyal followers. This approach allows you to establish an authentic connection with your target audience.

One of the main advantages of influencer marketing is its ability to reach a wide audience. The local influencers selected by Kwanko have an engaged and loyal subscriber base, who value their recommendations. By collaborating with these influencers, you have the opportunity to reach a large number of consumers, increasing your brand’s visibility and generating greater interest in your products or services.

The main KPIs in this area are the number of accounts reached by influencer publications, which gives you an idea of the scale of your campaign’s reach. In addition, the use of specific promotional codes shared by influencers can serve as a valuable performance indicator. By tracking the use of these codes, you can measure the number of conversions and the direct impact of your collaboration with influencers.


In conclusion, maximising the impact of your local activity through drive-to-store is essential to achieving your business objectives. By using levers such as offline cashback, SMS, display advertising and influencer marketing, you can boost your brand awareness and attract qualified traffic from your target audience. These strategies optimise your online presence and encourage consumers to physically visit your shops.

It’s also important to note that there are other effective levers for boosting your local visibility. Among these, local SEO plays a crucial role. By optimising your online presence, you can improve your ranking in location-based search results. For example, you can list your shop for free on Google Maps, making it easier for consumers to find you when they’re looking for local products or services.

By working with digital marketing experts such as Kwanko, you can benefit from personalised support to set up offline drive-to-store campaigns, while integrating local SEO strategies. 

To find out more, contact us at


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